Captain Fantastic Opening Analysis
The opening scene perfectly normalises the chaotic and tribe-like lives of the characters. For example, the scene starts of with a showcase of the wilderness: the abundance of the colour of green within the setting of the forest highlights the tranquil and peaceful tone of the scene, encouraging the audience to feel that way aswell. This only to be transgressed by the son hidden within the shot of the deer. This puts attention on the son, displaying how he is in control of the situation and the animal and perhaps symbolises his importance to the plot as he, out of all of the children is the most developed (he has romantic interest, is trying to go to college,e.t.c.). Furthermore, the focus on the son is punctuated when he attacks the deer. The quick editing of the attack quickly changes the tone of the scene to be intense and dangerous. This is emphasised by the lack of non-diegetic sound in the scene, as their is a focus on the cries of the deer, the slicing of knife and the hea...