City Of God opening analysis
City Of God conveys the themes of chaos and anarchy in the favella to the audience through cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound and editing. This shown in the opening scene where the gang is chasing after the chicken. For example, the first thing we see in the film is a knife being sharpened against a stone. Knives are typically dangerous objects and because it is being sharpened against a stone, it depicts somewhat of a barbaric lifestyle: this is foreshadowing the barbaric lifestyle Lil Z leads and by proxy, enforces upon his gang. This immediately creates tension and makes the audience unsure of the characters. The tension is reinforced through the editing, with the almost whiplash inducing, flashing cuts between the knife and the black screen, once again creating a sense of urgency. Furthermore this shown when the scene reveals itself to be a cookout with the gang. Normally a cookout would be a scene that is fun, calm and familiar; but this subverted through the tight camera a...