Both No Country For Old Men and Captain Fantastic uses elements of sound and visuals to engage the viewer with the characters, narrative and themes of both films. First of all, No Country For Old Men uses mise-en-scene, editing and camera angles to visually tell a story. This is evident in the final scene of the movie where we see Bell's retirement. It starts by slowly fading from the previous scene: Chigurh walking away from the crash and transitioning into Bell in his home looking into the distance. The editing makes it look like Bell is looking at him walking away and he doesn't do anything about. This is a recurring theme throughout No Country, that Bell is ineffective and can not stop this new wave of crime that Chigurh represents. Also the shot frames Bell at the center, aligning us with him and the transition preceding the scene seconds before could symbolise this is what Bell's thinking: that Chigurh escaping the crash represents him escaping justice and it is unset...
The opening scene uses editing, camera angles and sound to establish Shaun's character and his relationship with Liz and Ed. Firstly, the scene begins with the sound of the bell and zooming out slowly from Shaun's face. Being close up highlights his facial expression: he is wide eyed, apathetic, he is daydreaming. This is emphasised by the framing of the shot, as the background is blurred and Shaun is clear. Having him in the centre of shot shows how Shaun is absorbed by his own problems and is unaware of everyone else around, including Liz and her wants and needs. This idea is further reinforced when Liz transgresses the rhythm of scene with her dialogue. It reveals that Liz was talking all along but Shaun wasn't paying attention because her dialogue starts mid conversation. As we are aligned with Shaun and his thoughts, this depicts that he is not mature and not taking there relationship seriously. Shaun's relationship with Ed also showcased to the audience. For examp...
HOW DAVID LYNCH TURNS THE ORDINARY INTO NIGHTMARISH One thing The Grandmother subverts from innocent to unsettling is childhood. David Lynch's creepy and imaginative direction gives the scene a nightmarish and unsettling tone. For example the scene where the mother is comforting the child turning into a intense scuffle between the two is demonstrated through the use of sound and editing. The cyclical echo of the scream progressing into a high pitch shreak is an unnerving and disturbing sound that perfectly matches the intensity of the scene; as the scream gets more and more distorted and intense so does the editing of the scene, using quick cuts between shots to emphasise the chaotic nature. This creates a intense and uncomfortable scene and maybe symbolic of Lynch's outlook of childhood. Maybe the mother gripping the child constantly maybe be displaying the parents hold on their children regardless of their intentions and the child is trying to break free of their control...
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